The deadly COVID-19 pandemic brought horrendous experience upon the world and also affects the educational sectors. This study examined how the undergraduate students within the Department of Creative Arts, comprising students studying music, visual arts, and theatre arts, perceived, preferred, responded and utilized the LMS platforms to access their classes and the examination that took place months after receiving lectures. It is evident from the study that nearly 9 in 10 (86 per cent) of the students are running a full-time programme with more in the Theatre Arts and least in Music. Nearly 14 per cent of the students are running the ICE programme where the Music department leads. The 400 level students which account for 35 per cent tops over other levels while it follows by 200 and 300 levels which account for 24 per cent and 23 per cent respectively. The proportion of the final year students that participated in the study is nearly 1 in 10 of the entire respondents among these, the level account for 1 in 4 (25 per cent) in the Music Department. Few of the respondents were not technologically savvy despite the school's initial training. However, some of the respondents in this study expressed their disappointment at the low and sometimes internet interruption and disruptions that hindered them from benefiting immensely from the virtual class. This study concluded that infrastructural deficiencies in third world countries like Nigeria are crucial challenges in the maintenance of teaching, learning and research networks. Hence, the study recommends introducing information and computer technology classes included at all levels of the education system in Nigeria. Students should also get financial support from the government and stakeholders to enable them to have internet-enabled devices at a time like this.
Keywords: Covid-19 pandemic lockdown, creative arts students' experience, technology, Online visual classes, learning management system's evaluation.
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