In Awka society of Igbo region of Nigeria, Umu-Okpu musical art is established and performed to stabilize and manage families, and the society employed its traditional method to achieve this purpose. This paper explores the polity of Umu-Okpu in Awka community, the performance practise of Umu-Okpu music, the analysis of the textual and musical structures in order suggest the possible adoption of the functions in correcting and building women of other culture. The research methods adopted for this study includes : observation, oral interview and literature review. In the end, it was discovered that over 90% of the women in the study area were knowledgeable in the umuokpu music and the lessons hidden in the musical lines. The majority of those not conversant with the music are in the range of 30's and those living outside the culture. Further studies can be done on the implications of these findings.
Keywords : Umuokpu musical arts, Umuzocha women's performance, Stability, Management of families, society
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