Every human society is an enterprise of world-building. Man who is at the centre of this exercise is a product of society and society which is a dialectic phenomenon is a product of man. Man as a cultural being brings diversity into society. Thus, in society, there is diversity through language, religious affiliations, knowledge, art, morals, laws, customs et cetera. However, diversity in society tends towards peace or war depending on the management of elements in the society. This work explores the negative and positive aspects of diversity in Nigeria and the implications of music for peace-building. Some of the negative dimensions are the unequal and differential treatment of ethnic groups, the prioritization of tribal identity over professional efficiency, fatal consequences on the political process, ethnocentrism and ethnic tensions; while some of the positive sides are cultural identity, an increase in creativity, source of economic power, natural and mineral resources. Music which is one of the means of reinforcing unity in a diverse nation creates awareness of other cultures and makes different cultures or societies connect and understand one another. Thus, it is a tool for unity and development in society. It adds vibrancy to communities and strengthens the sense of belonging and connection with others by transcending cultural barriers. Thus, music has the undisputed capacity for peace-building and the power to culturally, morally and emotionally influence society.
Keywords:Â Diversity, Peace and War, Music and Peace-building
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