Scholars have documented literature on the roles of early Christian missionaries as well as African Indigenous Churches (AIC) on formal Education in Nigeria. This paper examines the musical activities among the Sunday school children in Nigerian Churches, to highlight the text content and its functionality in the socio-religious upbringing of children in the society. This research was conducted through oral interviews, a field recording of music and bibliographic methods which is limited to a few selected Anglican churches in Ogijo-Remo Community of Ogun State in which the Yoruba language form the major language of communication in their Sunday school. Research findings revealed that children are better assimilated with the teachings of their teacher through the various songs taught at the church. Also, Sunday school teachers receive better participation and attention from the children during the singing session than in any other activity. The music was observed to play important functions in imparting religious education in the children, moral training, documentation and preservation of Biblical stories as well as recreational and entertainment functions. It was concluded in this research study that the imperativeness of music is evident in the functional roles it plays in Sunday school. Apart from Bible study and sermon, music serves as one of the major devices of imparting religious and moral knowledge to the children because it is more relevant and most effective in yielding positive and desirable results in these children.
Keywords: Musical activities, Nigerian Anglican churches, Sunday school and Child's upbringing.
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Websites'Historical Background: The Sunday School Movement’
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