Liturgical worship in its nature is a public function that demands corporate prayer and active participation. Accordingly, it follows that all forms and parts of the liturgy should be reverently celebrated in such a manner that the faithful will actively participate in it. Hence, prayer, scriptural readings, music, thanksgiving and others should be done in such a way that active participation is encouraged. Whatever good that may promote active participation of the faithful in liturgical worship is highly encouraged without deliberations. Our attitudes therefore to prayer, scriptural readings, music and thanksgiving should be such that will ordinarily encourage active participation of members. Liturgical worship takes place within the context of the song, story and choreographed gesture and movement. For successful liturgical worship, therefore, all of such gestures and movements need to be communally inspiring. Music for example should be composed, taught and sung in such a manner that the entire assembly plays a major role in the singing. At present, one would ordinarily find out that songs used during liturgical ceremonies these days in many of the Catholic Churches in Nigeria do not meet up with the demands of what liturgical music portray. The paper proposes the need to re-orientate and awaken the consciousness of the people to what liturgical music stands for considering its aims and objectives so that our liturgy will be improved if the principles are upheld.
Keywords: Liturgy, Sacred Music, Liturgical Music, Liturgical worship
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