There are developments in the Nigerian education sector that indicate some level of Information Communication Technology (ICT) application in schools. The National Policy on Education (the Federal Republic of Nigeria, 2014), recognizes the prominent role of ICTs in the modern world and has integrated ICTs into education in Nigeria. On the above bedrock, this study traced the origin and the developmental strategies of ICT in the Nigerian education sector from the perspectives of musicologists and other scholars. In a bid to tackle the enormous difficulty associated with the traditional face-to-face system of education in Nigeria, the educational authorities deemed it fit the key to the global trend which is the application of computers to studies especially the study of music. Musicologists being very apt to the reigning propensity saw the need to join the moving trend hence they embraced ICT in all aspects of its dealing. This study adopted the survey method which entailed the use of literature materials as a major source of information. As a pilot study, the ideas of various scholars among whom are musicologists were accessed ascertaining their perspectives on the origin and developmental strategies of ICT in the Nigerian educational sector. The findings of the study encourage researchers and musicologists of all levels to continue embracing and advancing ICT approaches that enhance scholarship. The study strongly recommends that the nation's curriculum planners should continue to design curricula that will encourage and emphasize technology-driven education in the 21st century with education course contents that will improve general research in every field of study.
Keywords: Musicologists, ICT, Nigerian education sector, Origin, developmental stages.
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