The study examined how the school library can be used to develop a reading culture among senior secondary students. The study was carried out in Awka South Local Government Area of Anambra State. Three research questions guided the study. The design for the study was a survey while a structured questionnaire developed by the researchers, with a reliability coefficient of 0.83 was used for data collection. The data generated were analyzed using the mean. The findings of the study indicated that the extent to which students utilize the materials in the school library is very low. Most of the respondents agreed that most of the materials and books in the library have little or no relevance to them. Again, the respondents agreed that some factors such as poor organization of library information resources; outdated information resources/materials; and so on mitigate against their use of the school library and as a result hinder the development of proper reading culture among students. From the findings, recommendations were proffered and among such included that the government and NGOs should equip the existing school libraries with relevant library resources that are current, rich in quantity, quality and varied to reflect the content of the school curriculum. Also, the government should equally employ qualified school librarians to manage the school library.
 Keywords: Students, School Library, Reading Culture.
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