The progress of humanity is highly dependent on the ways members of society communicate their ideas. Music is relevant in many aspects of human existence. It serves as a vehicle in teaching and promoting societal cultural values and norms and is also a great tool for national development. Despite these benefits of music education to mankind throughout the world, there is still a very low parental perception of music education. This paper examines the causes and effects of poor parental support towards the study of music education of their wards in the University of Port Harcourt. Two research questions were raised to guide the study. It adopted a descriptive survey research design. The study sample comprised 70 students from the Department of Music, the University of Port Harcourt from year two (2) to year four (4) using a simple random sampling technique. Research questionnaire on the Causes, Effects and Remedies of Poor Parental Support towards Music Education in the University of Port – Harcourt were administered. The results of data analysis using the mean (x) statistics revealed that the lukewarm attitude of parents towards their children's quest for music Education negatively affect the students' general academic performance. Based on the findings, it is recommended, that Parents should recognize that their role is simply to facilitate their children's career journey and allow them to make guided career choices. Parents should intentionally allow their children to discover their innate talents and skills by encouraging and supporting them. There is a need to be involved, but not in forceful control over the matters of career choice.
Keywords: Music Education, Parental Control, Perception, Prospects and Development Introduction
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