Ibibio ethnomusicological performances operates in different unique dimension, one of such is in the spontaneous and formalized expressive culture. The paper is a discussion aimed at promoting the Niger Delta indigenous cultural performances. An example of such selected cultural performance is the Uko Akpan music.In Uko Akpan's music, the research is narrowed down to the selected song Environmental Sanitation. It is important to note that traditional music is composed to arouse feelings, communication and satisfy needs. The approach for data collection and discussion are based on participatory observation method through theatre for development. The conceptual framework is on enlighten self – interest. The study concludes that traditional music can be a veritable tool to promote and sustain good public environmental health education. The study recommend the need for frequent promotion of expressive culture for cultural and creative arts awareness. The government should provide necessary support, facilities and personnel for music to thrive as a vocational and innovative course. The larger society must become educated on the evolutionary significance of music.
Keywords: Ethnomusicology; Public Health; Spontaneity; Uko Akpan; Theatre for Development
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