Samuel Yohanna Davou


The study's intended outcome is to expose the musical analytical approach as provided by the musical principality herself, the mother superior, African music educationists, and the music empress in the person of Professor Agatha Onwuekwe, who developed an easy way of analysing music without shedding tears in her own wisdom. Analyzing music, particularly that of African origin, has always been a nightmare for most African and non-African musical educators because of its complexity and lack of a standard format for analysis. This has discouraged many people with an interest in the study of music who are involved in the analysis of musical pieces from continuing their studies. The approach to musical analysis has put an end to the long night of solution searching, as the adoption of Onwuekwe's analytical approach is a stop sign to that horror. The researcher is a privileged student of the musical master, and a survey of his published and unpublished works provides a solid foundation for her research. The works on musical analysis have revealed some philosophical models, which will be revealed at a later stage as the research progresses, but in summary, things to keep in mind while analysing any musical piece are the scale mode, tonal range, melody, rhythm, texture, frequency of tone occurrence, melodic contour typology, and percentage density. These all sum up to a textual and structural approach to musical analysis, among others, which will be revealed at the end of the research as an expected result of the studies. Shifu's Shifu's

Keywords: Musical Analysis, Structural, Textual, Contour typology, Scale mode

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