The study examined the adequacy of human and material resources for teaching core business education courses in entrepreneurial centers in tertiary institutions in South-East, Nigeria. Two research questions and two hypotheses were developed to guide the study using descriptive survey research design. The population for the study comprised all the 226 Business educators (lecturers/instructors) across public tertiary institutions that offer Business Education in South- East, Nigeria. The entire 226 Business educators were involved as respondents, hence, there was no sampling for the study. Instrument for data collection was a structured questionnaire titled “Adequacy of Institutional Entrepreneurial Centers for Effective Instructions in Business Education programme Questionnaire (AIECEIBEPQ)". The instrument was face-validated by three experts, two from Business Education Department and one from measurement and evaluation, all from Ebonyi State University Abakaliki. The reliability of the instrument was ascertained by trial testing 15 copies of the questionnaire on Business educators from University of Benin, Edo State. Data collected from the trial testing were analyzed using Cronbach Alpha reliability technique which yielded reliability coefficient of 0.83 for cluster one and 0.76 for cluster two. Out of the 226 copies of questionnaire administered to the 226 Business educators, 215 were completely filled and returned indicating 95.1% return rate. The data collected were analyzed using mean and t-test statistics. The study found that the quality of available Business educators for instruction in entrepreneurship centers and equipment are grossly inadequate. There is no significant (p<0.05) difference in the mean ratings of the responses of Business Educators from Universities and Colleges of education on adequacy of Business educators and required equipment in entrepreneurial centers for teaching core Business Education skill courses. The study recommended that: there should be increased involvement of highly competent and experienced Business educators and adequate provision of relevant equipment for quality instruction in entrepreneurial centers in favour of business education programme in the tertiary institutions in South-eastNigeria.
Keywords: Human, material resources, business education, entrepreneurial, tertiary institutions.
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