The purpose of this study was to examine the influence of the perceptive beliefs of business education teachers on their attitudes toward applying new technologies in the classroom. The theoretical underpinning of the study was the technology acceptance model (TAM) of Davies 1989, which posits that perceived usefulness and perceived ease of use have significant influence on an individual's attitude towards accepting technology. Survey design was used to conduct the study on a sample of 212 business education teachers from 13 tertiary colleges in Northwestern Nigeria. The instrument of data collection was a structured questionnaire adopted by the researcher from previously validated studies. Data was analyzed using SPSS 21 for descriptive statistics and AMOS 21 for structural equation modeling. The test of the hypotheses revealed that business education teachers' perception of the usefulness of technology has significant influence on their attitudes towards teaching with new technologies. However, contrary to extant literature, the study revealed that teacher's perception of the ease of use of technology does not have significant influence on their attitudes towards teaching with new technologies. The study concludes that although teachers have positive attitudes towards using new technologies and they are willing to use the technologies very well, their perceptions of their abilities for using the technologies is low and they think that new technologies are not easy for them to use. In this regard the study recommends that governing authorities of Nigerian tertiary institutions should reinforce effortstowards training and supporting teachers on the use of new technologies in the classroom.
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