Lawrence Femi Ademiluyi, Mutiyat Salami


The study was undertaken to investigate the perceived influence of m-learning on teaching and learning of business education courses in National Open University of Nigeria study centres. The researchers employed a descriptive survey research design. The study populationconsisted of 656 subjects made up of students and facilitators of business education programme in the two study centres in Kwara State. A sample of 248 respondents was drawn proportionately from the two study centres based on size. Two structured questionnaires were used; one for students, the other for the facilitators.. The instrument was validated by three Business Education experts The questionnaire was structured on 4-points rating scale of High Extent (HE) for 4 points, Moderate Extent (ME) for 3 points, Low Extent (LE) for 2 points, No Extent (NE) for 1 point. The data obtained were analysed using frequency, percentages, mean and standard deviation to answer the research questions. T-test statistics was used to test the null hypotheses at 0.05 level of significance. The findings of the study revealed among others that teaching and learning with mobile devices and platforms were perceived by business education students and their facilitators to have salutary influence on teaching and learning. Based onthe findings it was concluded that teaching and learning with mobile devices and platforms positively influence student-facilitator interaction, which enhances teaching and learning of business education students. The study recommended the wholesale adoption of m-learning for online educational programmes.

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